
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Hungary's culture is being crushed or co-opted

2013. augusztus 07. 15:09

The UK has culture skirmishes; Hungary has culture wars.

2013. augusztus 07. 15:09
George Szirtes

"The UK has culture skirmishes; Hungary has culture wars. In a country where party politics has always sought to control the cultural field, the aim of such war is to wipe out, or at least quarantine, the opposition, its ideology, its language, its notions of independence, and – in the case of the current administration – to impose an all-consuming patriotic line whereby only one version of Hungary is allowed to exist.

There is currently the case with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The original academy was founded in 1825, chiefly composed of scientists but including some literary figures. In 1949 it was taken over by the Communist party, so after 1989, there was reason to change it again. The academy declared itself an autonomous institution and in 1992 the Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts, or Szima was founded as one of its branches. As soon as news of its foundation got around, it was attacked by the right wing and a rival organisation, the Hungarian Academy of the Arts, or MMA was set up, forestalling it by a few months, with the architect Imre Makovecz at the head. Szima invited members, MMA took them on application."

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2015. november 10. 01:02
"Some will say it is just privileged artists moaning about loss of influence. But this is cumulative, part of a process to deprive the opposition of voice and therefore language." Translation: no money, end of an era. I wonder if the British government supports the arts at this level:) Not to mention the US government relations to Broadway or Hollywood:)
Charlie Chan
2013. november 25. 18:54
The problem the author has is that he knows there is a culture war but lies about its instigators and battlegrounds. The "left" attacks the rest of the society (some 85%) and calls them nazis for being Hungarian, and this creates a natural backlash. Given the fact that this is orchestrated by two parties who wrote themselves out of power by abuse and corruption, their superiority complex is perplexing. They compensate for lack of performance by calling the electorate idiots and nazis because they will not vote for them. This is the culture war.
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