
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Refugees: another one for the "not our problem" file

2015. szeptember 11. 19:13

For at least half a century, the U.S. has taken in the vast majority of the world's refugees. Isn't it somebody else's turn, now?

2015. szeptember 11. 19:13
Ann Coulter

"A few other heart-warming humanitarian stories: 

-- Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, or "the Blind Sheik," imprisoned for life in the U.S. for his participation in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing: Asylee. 

-- Ramzi Yousef, ringleader of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing: Asylee. 

-- Egyptian Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, who shot up the El Al ticket counter at the Los Angeles airport, killing two: Refugee. 

And the list goes on ... 

Even the refugees who don't specifically come here to murder Americans aren't fleeing persecution. They're fleeing countries with less generous welfare policies than we have in the West. Which won't exist anymore, if we don't turn off the spigot from the Third World. 

For at least half a century, the U.S. has taken in the vast majority of the world's refugees. Isn't it somebody else's turn, now? 

How about Mexico take in a few "refugees"? Why not El Salvador or Honduras? Could the pope have a word with his co-religionists about the suffering in Syria? How about Vatican City? Talk about the perfect place to build some low-income housing projects! 

Maybe it's time the world gets used to 
life without the United States. If our current immigration policies aren't stopped, this country will soon be nothing more than another failed Latin American state. 

Speaking of which, I note that our allies, Japan and Israel, aren't taking in any Syrian refugees. Japan is pretty far away, but Israel is even closer to Syria than Sweden is! Evidently, Japan and Israel aren't as gung-ho about destroying themselves as our European friends are. Donald Trump's soaring popularity suggests that America may not be ready to commit suicide yet, either."

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2015. szeptember 12. 18:20
Ann Coulter is really a two-faced, disgusting person. She is one of those who hates immigrants who arrive to the Unites States be them legal or illegal and uses every opportunity to speak out against it. Here are some sample of her recent opinion from different newspaper: "Illegal Immigrants losers push US to third world country" Washington Post "Coulter Rips Illegal Immigration" Fox news. "Every Pro-immigrant claim is a lie" If you would like to read more of her disgusting hateful "masterpieces" just put into google " ann coulter on immigration.
2015. szeptember 12. 14:09
American arrogance literally knows no boundaries. It is also stunning, that it doesn't even matter whether they are from the left or the right, when it comes to issues related to Imperial America, they all sing the same song. Since the end of World War II., the USA is in a permanent war-situation against anybody and everything that is not yet dominated by it, if you are not with them, you are against them, and as every good cowboy knows, "A good indian is a dead indian", Imperial USA taks care of these designated problems the only way they know, by force. Well, what's the point buying something, when you can just grab it and run. Of course, the use of force creates the same amount of counter force, it is plain physics, if "War Street" didn't have enough deadly ennemies, the USA takes care of their "creation". But it seems that the objective of this Orwelian "permanent war" is not peace, as one would have thought, it is the perpetuation of chaos.
citizen queen
2015. szeptember 12. 12:12
For at least half a century, the U.S. has taken in the vast majority of the world's refugees. Isn't it somebody else's turn, now? No, darling, it's your turn, because you - Uncle Sam - ruined the Middle-Eastern countries, namely Syria and Iraq with your idiot democracy-export wars.
2015. szeptember 12. 11:57
Uncle Sam had better stop stirring shit all over the world, and clean up the mess he's left.
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