
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Hungary’s prime minister becomes Europe’s Donald Trump

2015. szeptember 06. 06:27

Calling the mostly Muslim refugees a threat to Europe’s “Christian roots,” Orbán has given voice to the fears of other European conservatives too shy to say such things aloud themselves.

2015. szeptember 06. 06:27
Anthony Faiola

“Call him Europe’s Donald Trump.

Hungary’s maverick Prime Minister Viktor Orban is emerging as the straight-talking voice of right-wing Europe, vowing to block a wave of desperate refugees from seeking sanctuary in the region. Continuing a string of blunt statements of a sort rarely heard from heads of state on this side of the Atlantic, he warned Friday that Europeans now stand to become »a minority in our own continent« if the floodgates are not immediately closed.

Trump dreams of building a wall to keep migrants out. But Orban, 52, has actually done it — erecting 109 miles of razor wire to stop them. Authorities in Hungary, a key transit nation for ­asylum-seekers aiming for generous European nations offering shelter, including Germany and Sweden, have been preventing them from moving on and shuttling them to camps, in part to dissuade more from coming. Under international pressure Friday, Hungary agreed to bus some of the blockaded asylum-seekers to Austria. But it remained unclear whether the Austrians would accept them and what would happen to the thousands of refugees stuck in Hungarian camps.


Calling the mostly Muslim refugees a threat to Europe’s »Christian roots,« Orban has given voice to the fears of other European conservatives too shy to say such things aloud themselves.


In Hungary, Orban’s bigger political threat is not from his center-left opposition but from the Jobbik party, which won 20 percent of the vote in national elections last year and has staked out a position even more extreme than Orban’s. In the radically anti-gay and anti-Semitic party, one top Jobbik member of parliament openly called in 2012 for a registry of Jews living in Hungary because they posed a »national security risk.«”

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2015. november 30. 18:50
I like this one.:) "EllieWP 9/5/2015 5:04 PM EDT Europe is committing cultural suicide and the only politician trying to protect his country is labeled "xenophobic" by the nitwit media; "xenophobic - the most over-used, and incorrectly used, word of the year. By these lame-brained standards the Native Americans who fought the European invaders/immigrants were "xenophobic"; Ghandi was "xenophobic; King Arthur fighting the Saxons was "xenophobic". Anyone who objects to hundreds of thousands of foreigners forcing their way across the border and demanding land, homes and money is "xenophobic". Europe's current crop of leaders will be remembered as appeasers and traitors, except there won't be any Europeans left to remember them."
Box Hill
2015. szeptember 15. 09:39
Europe was not xenophobic when country after country set out to colonise all they could grab: Since the Portugese started it in 1415 (EU), the Spaniards in 1492 (EU), the Russians in 1580, the Dutch in 1602 (EU), the French in 1605 (EU), the British in 1607 (EU), the Danes in 1620 (EU), the Swedes in 1638 (EU), the Germans also in 1638 (EU), the Austrians in 1719 (EU), the Belgians in 1885 (EU), the Italians also in 1885 (EU), and the Norwegians in 1927.
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