
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Hungary's Viktor Orban, sole voice of sanity in the EU, tells the truth on immigration

2015. szeptember 09. 15:24

Those words of Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, are the first truthful and accurate analysis we have heard from any EU politician of the immigration catastrophe now engulfing our continent.

2015. szeptember 09. 15:24
Gerald Warner

„The voice of truth and common sense has been so long stilled that to hear it given utterance by anyone in government in Europe is startling. Those words of Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, are the first truthful and accurate analysis we have heard from any EU politician of the immigration catastrophe now engulfing our continent. Nor did he confine himself to those remarks.

»Those arriving have been raised in another religion and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims,« he added. »This is an important question because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity. Is it not worrying in itself that European Christianity is now barely able to keep Europe Christian? There is no alternative, and we have no option but to defend our borders.«

To defend Christianity today is to violate the ultimate taboo of the Brussels multiculturalists and the forces of political correctness that promote mass immigration for precisely the objective of eradicating Europe’s Christian identity. Orban and his Fidesz party have long been a target for demonisation by the cultural Marxist left, ever since it gave Hungary an admirable new constitution. When Hillary Clinton, the New York Times, the United Nations and the Brussels kleptocracy all denounce a nation, it is a clear sign that it is doing something good.

Hungary has already been invaded – no other term is accurate – by 160,000 migrants this year alone. Now its responsible approach to the problem has triggered abuse from EU politicians who are subjecting their own countries to demographic inundation and cultural extinction. Francois Hollande had the effrontery to ask if Hungary had forgotten how it was taken in by Europe at the end of the Cold War and welcomed into the EU.”

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2015. október 23. 07:23
It is worth to read on the original writing: "More to the point, has it forgotten how it was abandoned by Europe in 1945 and handed over to the Soviet Union, at a time when the West had the atomic bomb and Stalin did not? Has it forgotten how its bid for freedom was ignored in 1956 while France and Britain engaged in an adventure in (where else?) the Middle East? Above all, has it forgotten how, during the First World War, the French premier Clemenceau torpedoed the honourable peace plan proposed by King Charles IV of Hungary (Emperor of Austria), at a cost of a million more lives, and how the French led the dismemberment of Hungary at the Treaty of Trianon in 1920? By that act of banditry and demographic rapine Hungary lost two-thirds of its territory, all of its seaports, nearly 90 per cent of its natural resources and one-third of all ethnic Hungarians in its population. Clearly, Hungary has a lot to be grateful for to Europe, and France in particular."
2015. október 12. 16:30
"if Hungary had forgotten how it was taken in by Europe at the end of the Cold War" Hollande, make love to your mother.
2015. október 12. 16:30
Hollande fuck you!
2015. október 12. 16:30
"if Hungary had forgotten how it was taken in by Europe at the end of the Cold War" Don't worry, we didn't forget, still waiting for the pressos to open in Wien...
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