
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

How Europe’s Other Half Lives

2015. szeptember 10. 16:16

Hungary is not explicitly a poor country. But it is a frustrated and frustrating place — with its “seen better days” culture, antiquated manias and obsessions, barely functioning bureaucracy, tepid economy and corrupt politicians.

2015. szeptember 10. 16:16
Szécsi Noémi
"IT was mortifying to see refugees hurling themselves on the tracks at a Hungarian railway station — as they did last week when a train they thought was carrying them to Austria was stopped by the police in Hungary to take them to a detention camp. The migrants’ despair was because they didn’t want to be stuck here — in the country where we Hungarians are destined to live our shabby little lives.

I have often felt like throwing myself on the tracks at a country railway station — just thinking about being Hungarian. And many of my compatriots have, out of sheer melancholy, successfully executed this act as a train arrived.

These people walking all the way from Syria, however, are definitely not suicidal. They are hungry for life. Only, they don’t believe they can find that life here.

Eastern Europe is not the all-inclusive luxury hotel that many in the other half of the Continent enjoy; we’re more at the low-budget, self-catering end of the market. But it’s not that bad, either. It provides some aspects of a European lifestyle; sometimes it seems deeply provincial, sometimes quite refined.

Hungary is not explicitly a poor country. But it is a frustrated and frustrating place — with its “seen better days” culture, antiquated manias and obsessions, barely functioning bureaucracy, tepid economy and corrupt politicians." 

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2021. május 30. 00:10
Mrs Szécsi, this writing is full of lies. Hungary is NOT a rich country either. You should better visit the countryside and do some calculus how and from what my fellow countrymen live! Being such extremely democratic I strongly advise you going south to the Mexican border where your advices and help could be of great use! These "refugees" are mostly unwarranted criminals, if not outspoken terrorists, too.
2021. május 30. 00:10
I wish you a quick recovery, go to the doctor... if you write stupid things you do not help with depression... go a service professional
2021. május 30. 00:10
"Hungary is a frustrated and frustrating place..." Yes, you know due to the double lever that you apply always...
2021. május 30. 00:09
She's not that dull, just trying to sit on the fence, the problem is there's not much fence to sit on.
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