
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Orbán the awful – The rest of the continent must stand up against this rotten regime

2015. szeptember 07. 00:23

EU institutions have failed in the past to hold him accountable for trampling on Europe’s values – now is the time to do so.

2015. szeptember 07. 00:23
The Guardian

After years of disdain for democracy and European solidarity, Budapest is making life harder for desperate people fleeing war zones. The rest of the continent must stand up against this rotten regime.


Although Orbánite anti-migrant policies are especially extreme, some of his positions enjoy support among other central European governments. Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have sided with Hungary in rejecting an EU plan for migrant quotas, currently promoted by Germany, France and Italy. The »Orbán factor« thus plays an important role in the east-west split that could define upcoming EU summits. The xenophobic narrative coming out of Hungary needs to be tackled head-on, before it encourages more chauvinism elsewhere in Europe. Mr Orbán’s hateful statements about Muslims being a threat to »European civilisation«, as well as his ludicrous references to century-old wars with the Ottomans, should be called out for what they are: a disgrace.

The urgency of bringing thousands of desperate people to safety, and of hammering out sustainable and efficient EU asylum policies, must not become an excuse for indulging Mr Orbán’s toxic words. They must be countered and denounced. He cloaks his policies in legalistic terms, arguing that Hungary cannot be faulted for strictly abiding by the EU’s Dublin asylum regulations, and yet both the language he uses and the decisions he takes run counter to the very spirit of Europe. EU institutions have failed in the past to hold him accountable for trampling on Europe’s values – now is the time to do so.

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2015. november 30. 18:50
I copied under the other one but it's a perfect fit here as well. "EllieWP 9/5/2015 5:04 PM EDT Europe is committing cultural suicide and the only politician trying to protect his country is labeled "xenophobic" by the nitwit media; "xenophobic - the most over-used, and incorrectly used, word of the year. By these lame-brained standards the Native Americans who fought the European invaders/immigrants were "xenophobic"; Ghandi was "xenophobic; King Arthur fighting the Saxons was "xenophobic". Anyone who objects to hundreds of thousands of foreigners forcing their way across the border and demanding land, homes and money is "xenophobic". Europe's current crop of leaders will be remembered as appeasers and traitors, except there won't be any Europeans left to remember them."
2015. szeptember 11. 14:28
Sad to admit, but Guardian is right this time. Orban has become a xenophobic crackpot akin to Donald Trump in the US. In addition to steering his originally center-right party to the far-right, he is now making a fool out of himself by advising Germany and Austria to deny admission to new refugees. This is the most inhumane proposal I have in the past years heard from an important politicians in the EU. Sadly, Orban has become what his often exaggerating critics have claimed - an inhumane, xenophobic, nationalist bastard poisoning both his country and the EU.
2015. szeptember 10. 20:02
Very well said!!!
Box Hill
2015. szeptember 10. 20:02
What are the European values? Perhaps colonialism? Since the Portugese started it in 1415 (EU), the Spaniards in 1492 (EU), the Russians in 1580, the Dutch in 1602 (EU), the French in 1605 (EU), the British in 1607 (EU), the Danes in 1620 (EU), the Swedes in 1638 (EU), the Germans also in 1638 (EU), the Austrians in 1719 (EU), the Belgians in 1885 (EU), the Italians also in 1885 (EU), and the Norwegians in 1927.
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