
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Why Western liberals misunderstand Hungary

2015. október 12. 08:50

The Hungarian government’s first priority is the rule of law; i.e., its obligations under the Schengen and the Dublin regulations and its responsibility to Hungarian citizens, who expect security and competence.

2015. október 12. 08:50
Schöpflin György

"To understand Hungary’s response to the migration crisis, it is important to consider its primary principles: compassion, legality and political responsibility.

The Hungarian government’s first priority is the rule of law; i.e., its obligations under the Schengen and the Dublin regulations and its responsibility to Hungarian citizens, who expect security and competence. Recent surveys that place public support for the government at 80 percent suggest that it’s fulfilling its domestic responsibility. Much the same can be said for the Hungarian government’s responsibility under Schengen and Dublin. For all that the building of the fence on the Serbian border has been criticized, these are Hungary’s obligations to its EU partners.

The mass migration of 2015 demands a deeper analysis, because the assessment adopted by many is simplistic. Neither economic considerations, nor compassion, nor the 1951 Geneva Convention offer a sufficient basis for a migrant policy. These overlook the cultural, historical and psychological experiences of the Hungarians.

The arrival of migrants involves three stages: reception, integration and then assimilation, even though this last stage is widely rejected by Western European elites who remain committed to multiculturalism."

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Box Hill
2015. október 16. 23:54
I googled your term "western-type states" and found nothing. Congratulations for your invention made out of thin air.
2015. október 14. 02:14
Western-type states are all rule of law states. The rule of law makes a state power western-type.
Box Hill
2015. október 14. 00:06
Well, I don't know all of them. Some of them I know and do have some problems with them.
2015. október 13. 14:08
Then you must have serious problems with all the western-type democracies...,among them with the present constitutional power system of our own state.
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